What’s new in VIA 8.5
VIA 8.5 is available for small animal, specialty, referral, ER, equine and large animal hospitals.
VIA 8.5 is currently in beta testing for VIA mobile sync clinics at this time.
Software Release highlights include (∗ = new addition):
- Desktop Dashboard Summary have improved calculations and options to hide or show*
- SQL Server database upgrade scripts are now provided in real time via cloud updates*
- SOAP Medical Notes character limit has been significantly expanded to allow up to 65,000 characters in each note section (Subjective, Exam, etc)*
- Ability to specify Image Study default modality*
- Performance improvements for posting invoices with very large numbers of line items*
- System preference to create separate invoices by patient*
- Group auto tasking to create several whiteboard tasks from one click of the group header*
- New payment button to use balance due amount*
- Idexx VetConnect Plus integration is now available for downloading labs*
- Recall text fields can now contain up to 2,000 characters*
- Option to show Patient Alerts in large red text at the top of the patient file header*
- Pending Inventory Field added to inventory module*
- Purchase Order enhancements
- Corrected Credit memo minimum price issue
- Improvements for processing reminders
- New inventory valuation reports*
- Statement Chargers prompt for closing open visit when posting*
- X-Charge payment processing improvements
- The performance when posting invoices with thousands of whiteboard tasks has been significantly improved*
- Software updates for Mobile Sync hospitals*
Here are additional software changes for hospitals upgrading to VIA 8:
- Client Refunds to connect to open payments and credits*
- Cubex Inventory Management cabinet integration*
- Desktop updates to quickly see open visits, census, appointments, pending medical notes, open invoices, downloaded labs, recalls, prescriptions, and image studies*
- Emailing from VIA using a unique signature*
- Emailing from Patient Event Journal*
- Loading new Estimate from a memorized Estimate*
- Update Estimate pricing to current prices for Estimate templates*
- Item Receipt and Inventory Adjust improvements
- New Item Order History from Inventory Section*
- Multi-site Inventory by Business Center with unique QOH and Expiration Dates per center*
- Approved Amount tracks a dollar limit approved by the client and warns and changes colors as invoice totals approach and exceed the limit*
- Refunds from Print/Post for quicker access*
- VIA Instant Messenger improvements
- Antech Add on feature adjusted for add ons and multi profile orders*
- Antech pathology and add on changes
- Gribbles laboratory added*
- Import Manager redesign and new compatibility with 64 bit computers*
- Lab request profile field enhanced for readability
- Filter by patient in lab results queue*
- SOAP notes now copy the visit comments to only the first note added to a visit
- Lab profile field extended for long test names
- Several enhancements to Purchase Order system* and workflow
- Recalls date and time stamp for quick entry*
- Report changes to inventory worksheet, item purchase detail, item purchase summary, Cubex inventory, and purchase orders
- Appointment Change History button shows what edits have been made on an appointment since it was created*
- System preferences enhancements for loading visits and inactivating patients
- New system security settings for changing posted and paid invoices and credit card payments*
- New Whiteboard task series update warning*
- Task change option

New Desktop Dashboards provide daily summaries of hospital activity and instant access to records
See at a glance your daily visits, appointments, invoices, lab orders, image studies, patient recalls which can be filtered by Business Center
Inventory enhancements include a new Purchase Order System and new Cubex integration
Send treatment plan request from VIA to Cubex supply cabinets and receive dispensed quantities to ensure all items are accurately invoiced

The VIA Instant Messenger helps your staff communicate better, with workstation-to-workstation IM conversations whenever you are logged into VIA
Support for the new Chip and PIN payment processing regulations
Capture VISA, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX payments within VIA to eliminate double entry errors and save time
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Access your staff edit history on appointments and whiteboard tasks to see who made changes to data and what exactly was changed

Laboratory integration enhancements include redesigned Import Manager, 64 bit lab integration, Antech add on features, pathology ordering, and profile improvements

Detailed documentation on new product features, bug fixes, minimum hardware requirements, and installation instructions are provided in the client update material whenever a new release is sent to you. Please contact Technical Support if replacement material is needed.