Did you know VIA provides complete treatment management which directly ties in with your medical records and billing?
VIA’s intuitive treatment flowsheets help you to deliver better care by converting treatment plans into a series of scheduled tasks. Treatment tasks are generated directly from the SOAP plan, in down to the minute or recurring intervals so your staff can efficiently treat patients and not let anything slip. From a simple graphical screen, tasks are checked off as they are completed which automatically captures the billing and medical records from the event.
From the flowsheet, simply check off tasks as they are completed and the billing and medical records are automatically captured
VIA frees your team to dedicate more time to care for patients and not deal with paperwork hassles. And because VIA makes it easy to access information in real-time, everyone is able to plan their activities and stay on top of their patients’ many treatment schedules. With VIA you can create a work environment that’s efficient and organized, boosting job satisfaction.