The new VIA 8.1 software update includes some great features requested by our users:
- The maximum size of a SOAP Note size has been vastly increased. SOAP Notes can now be 10 times larger than before. This is especially useful for specialists capturing detailed SOAP records.
- A patient visit status indicator has been added to VIA. Each patient on the Desktop can be assigned a status color to indicate progress on the visit or any tracking convention you wish to use. The status types list and colors can be customized for your specific needs. Your list may include statuses such as ‘Ready to Go’, ‘Critical’, ‘Needs Dr Smith Review’, or ‘Rx Refill’. At a glance you can quickly identify patients by color to see progress within the visit or when ready to be discharged.
- Recall Notes can now store twice the amount of data as before, to help with staff communication.